Hello, my name is Viktor.

I take stills, do footage, also create some bass.
Sometimes pasta and stew as well. I like vetiver.

Viktor Vasicsek

Photo Reporter

Somewhere in the late 80's I've got my Grandma's Smena-8 with a B&W film, I was around 9. Instantly started to walk around in the city with my Mom and the camera. Once I found a rare 1985 Nissan Cherry GTI, parking nearby the amusement park of Budapest.

I shot the picture and I fell in love - both with the car and the fact that I can see it anytime. Times passed and I was on day trips with a Praktica LTL3 and a Pentacon 135mm. Later on showed some of my pictures to a magazine publisher, next week I signed my first contract to start my official work.

I loved that times spent with architecture and interior photography with advanced equipment just exactly the same time when digital photography boom happened. I switched soon to discover new visions and opportunities.

That's the story in short, nowadays I'm a freelancer with close relation to my main publisher Heller Publications.